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1Since sinulat ko na ang Episode 11, might as well do the whole thing na din lang. Hahaha. Kaloka teh! Okay let’s bring on Episode 1 then. 🙂

The drama opens up in a bar which clearly portrays Ji-wook as a party boy and mahilig sa magagandang girls. He’s a happy-go-lucky guy na parang happy happy lang. Yoo Mi comes in the same bar, dressed  in her job interview clothers and makikita mo sa scene na she’s someone who’s opposite ni Ji-wook. 

The next day, Ji-wook was in the papers with a picture of the girl he was seen with at the party the night before. His father, Chairman Cha was so pissed that he got exiled to one of their resorts to work as one of the hotel staff. Meanwhile we see Yoo Mi in her cooking class and she’s failing it. She gets a call from her mom who’s getting married in Gangwon, the same resort that Ji-wook was going.

Secretary Jang confiscated all Ji-wook’s credit cards and his car as per the Chairman’s instructions so Ji-wook had to take the bus to get to the resort. Yoo Mi took the same bus and she accidentally sat on Ji-wook when the bus abruptly started. Awkward besh! Her bag accidentally hit his feet as she walked past him pagdating nila sa resort. So parang galit na talaga sa kanya si Ji-wook.

Apparently, Chairman wants him to work as a bellhop. The look on his face! Pero in fairness he followed his dad’s instructions kaya lang ang tamad! He kept asking the other bellhops to do his job.

Meanwhile Yoo Mi got a call that she failed her interview the day before. He overhears it and thought her a joke when he saw her banging her head on the wall.

vlcsnap-2017-05-26-21h54m15s185When her mom saw her in her outfit, she had her change clothes and had her wear her breast pads, her mom’s “source of confidence”. XD The wedding was good except for the part that her mom included her past in the video presentation. Apparently she’s a famous sexy star back then, which Yoo Mi hated because it was the reason she got bullied in school.

Ji-wook was being lazy again. He saw Secretary Jang giving his car keys to one of the bellhops. Nahuli na naman sya ng manager so he offered to bring the wedding cake out. Yoo Mi on the other end walked out of the wedding. And they bumped into each other, but he caught her! Chereettt! XD And they fell.

But of course since he’s the son of the owner, the manager told him to apologize to Yoo Mi. Nakakatakot din kasi yung manager, I would do what she says if it was me. And Yoo Mi back in her room had a fight with her mom about the video. Her mom told her that she should just find a man so she’d know how it feels to be in love.

Remember that bellhop who had his car keys? He threatened to fire that bellhop if he does not hand his keys. Plus he also took swapped his cake-covered uniform with that kawawang bellhop. And to apologize to Yoo Mi for the cake fiasco earlier, he brought an expensive wine to her room. He reminded her about the bus incident and Yoo Mi looked kind’a pissed at him for calling her an enraged bull.

vlcsnap-2017-05-26-22h17m09s267He was going to skip work but he left the car keys in Yoo Mi’s room. Yoo Mi on the other hand decided to drink the expensive wine in the bathroom and then she slipped! Buti na lang Ji-wook came back for the keys and helped her. She was so embarrassed that she pretended to be unconscious. But when the emergency guys tickled her feet, she should not help but laugh and accidentally kicking the emergency guy.

vlcsnap-2017-05-26-22h21m19s303Ji-wook and Yoo Mi discussed what just happened and she was recounting the embarassment and the misfortune she’s been having lately. Ji-wook was being a gentleman and told her that she should just enjoy her time without being so moody.

Thinking about what Ji-wook said, Yoo Mi decided that she’s just going to enjoy the time and might as well wear the breast pads. Ji-wook on the other hand decided to visit a porridge place and leave some flowers. We see his mom arrive and looking around to check who left the flowers. Apparently it was his mom’s birthday.

So Yoo Mi went around the town. While she was waiting for a bus, Ji-wook saw her. When he told her that he’s actually the resort owner’s son, she didn’t believe him and even thought she stole the car. When Ji-wook told her that there’s no bus, she got in the car. He picked on her for her choice of book which he saw when they were on the bus.

vlcsnap-2017-05-26-22h34m42s114Back at the resort, Secretary Jang reported to the Chairman that Ji-wook got his car back. Looks like konti lang pala gas nun. The Chairman said to let him be for now coz he might have someone he wanted to visit – referring to his mom. Apparently they divorced.

vlcsnap-2017-05-26-22h39m19s333So Ji-wook had to borrow money from Yoo Mi for gas. He went to the beach while Yoo Mi assumed that he was going back to the hotel. Ji-wook promised to pay back the money double. Since he was going to stay at the beach for a while, he told Yoo Mi to either hitchhike back or take the bus or have a drink with him. Yoo Mi decided to just stay since she never got to drink the wine back at her room anyways.

vlcsnap-2017-05-26-22h40m30s562Yoo Mi saw a coin which she thought was lucky since it was her birth year. She gave it to Ji-wook for luck since he looked sad. And they talked and drank, thinking they weren’t going to see other after this day anyways so what the heck.

vlcsnap-2017-05-26-22h48m02s111By the night fall, they were sitting on his car, drunk and talking about how the day went. She thanked him for asking her if she was okay earlier that day back at the resort. Even if she was not okay, his words comforted her. Ji-wook replied that she was the first woman who cried just because he asked if she was okay and the first woman who he thinks is pretty when crying.

vlcsnap-2017-05-26-22h50m12s163It’s so cute when she started to hiccup after what he said. Awkward so she stood up saying it was getting late but she lost her balance and he helped her. His smile though when she hicupped again.

vlcsnap-2017-05-26-22h51m08s952With the combination of the wine, the night and the beach maybe, they gave in to the moment and had a one night stand! From where I’m sitting, man he sure looked like he can kiss. Okay moving on to the next episode next time.